Community Vision

Serving in Partnership with You

Accessible, high-quality education for all.

We depend on our public schools. They are the only realistic educational choice for most families. As a community, it is my hope to see us work together in building our schools into the best environment for ALL students to learn, and to provide our students with equitable opportunities for future success. We have a responsibility to scrutinize the data and funding at both the state and local levels, review guidance from district leadership, synthesize the information, and ultimately put forth a balanced budget and vision that serves ALL students and staff well.

Empower students to access their path to success, ensuring their right to equal opportunity.

We must recognize that everyone’s path to success is not the same, and that no path to success  is more important or deserving of time and resources than the other. The current disaggregated data related to student outcomes shows very small growth patterns in specific, historically underserved, student populations.  This must be met with an aggressive plan to close gaps, including a resource to educate district leadership about the equity and accessibility issues that contribute to those patterns.

Partner with all stakeholders to ensure they feel connected to the resources that they need to feel safe and supported.

The challenges of the last two difficult and strange years have called for an even more targeted focus on safety and mental and behavioral health. Schools are at the center of our communities. They are gathering places. They serve as points of connection. These buildings are the places that hold the special people that do more than just teach but also nurture hearts and minds. We must protect these spaces and the people in them. We need clarity on the role of school counselors and our district mental and behavioral health centers to ensure students have access to the appropriate resources. We need to ensure training and implementation of social-emotional practices such as restorative practice and trauma-informed care is consistent across the district to give students the effective tools that they deserve to improve and maintain their well-being.